New 4-H Club In Eden

New 4-H Club In Eden

A new 4-H club is up and running in Marshall County. The Hill Country Muskrats recently formed in Eden and are welcoming other new members.

Last month, several interested parents and prospective members got together to discuss forming a club out of Eden. . After a meeting in September had a good turnout, the club was officially formed and chartered.

Calee and Brandon Hagen volunteered to lead the club. They are excited about the possibilities the Hill Country Muskrat club holds. “There is something special about our little community up here and we just know the children are going to thrive!,” said Calee. “4-H teaches so many life skills and is an amazing ag-related program. “ Amanda Nordquist will also serve as a leader for the new club. “It’s great to have a club right in our neighborhood so kids can get to know each other even though they go to different schools,” added Nordquist. “I am thrilled to be helping with the creation of this 4-H club and I’m looking forward to working with the Hagens and all of the kiddos and their families.”

Another exciting part of the Muskrat club is that they will be a ‘dual’ county group. “This means the members can choose to participate in the Marshall County Achievement Days, or the Day County Fair,” said Calee.

She added, “We plan to get the community involved too, with the help of volunteers to teach the children all sorts of life skills- sewing, welding, woodworking, growing crops. The possibilities are endless.”

All of the leaders say that they welcome new members and people who would like to learn more about the group or 4-H in general. Their next meeting will be Sat. October 15 at the Church Hall in Eden at 2 p.m.

Marshall County Journal

PO Box 69, Britton, SD 57430
Phone: (605) 448-2281